MongoDB vs. Cassandra

September 01, 2021

MongoDB vs. Cassandra

MongoDB and Cassandra are two of the most popular NoSQL databases today. They both offer unique features and advantages, but which one is better for you? In this blog post, we’ll provide an unbiased comparison of MongoDB and Cassandra from a data visualization perspective. So, whether you’re a data analyst or a software engineer, we’ve got you covered.

Data Storage

MongoDB and Cassandra both have flexible data models that can store data in different formats such as JSON, XML, or binary. However, Cassandra’s columnar storage makes it more efficient in handling massive amounts of structured data.

On the other hand, MongoDB can handle unstructured data better and is more flexible in terms of data adaptation. As such, MongoDB is better suited for projects that require more versatility in visualizing data, especially when dealing with complex hierarchical data.


When it comes to querying capabilities, MongoDB and Cassandra differ in their approach.

MongoDB uses a dynamic schema, which makes it easy to query and manipulate data on the go. It also comes equipped with a flexible Aggregation Pipeline that helps users create complex data analysis queries easily. This makes it an excellent option for data analysts.

Cassandra uses a structured schema, which requires users to design their queries correctly before querying their database. This makes it a great choice for applications that require real-time querying, especially when dealing with time series data.


Both MongoDB and Cassandra are designed to handle high-performance needs. However, Cassandra's distributed architecture makes it more efficient in horizontal scaling, allowing for much higher read/write throughput across distributed clusters than MongoDB.

For example, in a study conducted by Netflix, Cassandra was able to handle over one million writes per second while MongoDB could only handle a few thousand.


When it comes to data visualization, MongoDB and Cassandra have different offerings. MongoDB comes with a native BI Connector that can integrate with tools such as Tableau, Power BI, or QlikView, and create visualizations effortlessly.

Cassandra, on the other hand, offers fewer visualization options but provides seamless integration with Apache Spark, making it an excellent choice for analysts and data scientists who want to analyze large data sets and visualize data in real-time.


Choosing between MongoDB and Cassandra boils down to the specific needs of your project. If you're handling complex data structures, MongoDB offers better adaptability and visualization. On the other hand, Cassandra might be a better option if you need to handle massive amounts of structured data efficiently.

Regardless of the chosen database, data visualization is essential in turning raw data into insights that make an impact. So, make sure to leverage the visualization capabilities of both databases to derive the most significant value.


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